Community Activities &
The Bahá’í Learning Center
If you are searching for a program of spiritual education for your children and yourself, we invite you to attend any of our activities or our Lehigh Valley Bahá’í Learning Center. Our focus is on promotion of the oneness of humanity, the embrace of the unity of spiritual traditions and the elevation and transformation of the human spirit.
Children's Classes
“Children are the most precious treasure a community can possess, for in them are the promise and guarantee of the future. They bear the seeds of the character of future society which is largely shaped by what the adults constituting the community do or fail to do with respect to children. They are a trust no community can neglect…”
– Universal House of Justice to the Bahá’ís of the World, 2000 –

CHILDREN’S CLASSES meet every other week at the Learning Center and use art, music, games, and other creative activities to teach themes such as:
- knowledge of God – the loving Creator of us all
- the spiritual nature of all people
- the importance of prayer
- moral and character education
- development of virtues – the divine qualities within each child
- respect for parents and elders
- the importance of family
- elimination of all prejudice
- celebration of unity in diversity
- the essential oneness of all the world’s major religions
- world peace begins with each one of us
- equality of men and women
- service to others is the best way to worship God
- respect and care for the environment
Adult Study Groups & Discussions
“The betterment of the world can be accomplished through pure and goodly deeds, through commendable and seemly conduct.”
– Bahá’u’lláh-

Spiritual education is a life-long process. The ADULT STUDY GROUP selects a book or books about the Bahá’í Faith to read and discuss during the year, or the group may decide to use one of the study circle books.
Study Circles gather people of varied backgrounds to consider teachings from the Bahá’í Writings on the purpose of life, the nature of reality and the significance of service. Participants seek to put the learning acquired into practice in an effort to explore the application of spiritual teachings to their individual and collective lives. Study circles meet in homes and at the bi-weekly Bahá’í Learning Center.
When guests attend the Learning Center, the study group often becomes a impromptu fireside, during which the Bahá’ís are happy to discuss the basics of their Faith and answer any questions as best they can. Because the Bahá’í Faith does not have clergy, individual Bahá’ís fulfill some of these roles.
Youth & Junior Youth Groups
“At an age when burgeoning intellectual, spiritual and physical powers become accessible to them, they are being given the tools needed to combat the forces that would rob them of their true identity as noble beings and to work for the common good.”
– Universal House of Justice to the Bahá’ís of the World, 2010 –

JUNIOR YOUTH GROUPS channel the surging energies of junior youth toward a twofold moral purpose: to take charge of their own personal growth and to contribute to the transformation of society. The materials and the animators (leaders) assist junior youth to navigate through a crucial stage (between childhood and young adults) of their lives and to become builders of unity and champions of justice in their own neighborhoods and communities. Through workbooks, discussions, games, service, and arts, they cover themes such as:
- choosing your path in life
- importance of service and making an effort
- vocabulary and language development,
- you always have a choice about how to react to adversity
- power of speech
- understanding math concepts
- justice
- time-management and responsible business
- listening to your inner voice
- inner sight
- spiritual perception
- power of speech
- creativity
- looking at music and media realistically
- purity
- what is real love
- living a chaste & holy life
- freedom from prejudice
- positive friendships
- and much more
Devotional Gatherings
“Verily He answereth him who prayeth unto Him, and is near unto him who calleth on Him”
– Abdu’l-Bahá –

DEVOTIONALS aim to create a new spiritual atmosphere in homes and neighborhoods, through prayer and reflection. Bahá’ís delight in sharing with people of all faiths the joy of praising and remembering God in a spirit of unity and fellowship. Participants are invited to share prayers, sacred readings, poetry and music in an informal, uplifting atmosphere.
The Lehigh Valley Bahá’í Community welcomes children, youth and adults to the Bahá’í Learning Center! We provide opportunities for spiritual empowerment and learning on every other Sunday (see other dates on this online calendar).
The Bahá’í Learning Center provides learning experiences for children (ages 5 to 10), junior youth (11-15) and adults (16 and older). The children and youth classes follow the Ruhi Institute courses that our community has been using for decades.
Lehigh Valley Center for Sight
1739 Fairmont Street (lower level)
Allentown, PA. 18104