Welcome to
The Lehigh Valley Bahá’í Community
We invite you to learn about our faith and welcome you to join our regular activities and special events. Bahá’ís around the world are working together with other like-minded people to help build a better world one heart, one family and one neighborhood at a time.
Activities that bring people together in a spirit of fellowship
Informal Introductory Gatherings
Sometimes referred to as firesides, introductory gatherings provide a comfortable, informal setting for learning about the Bahá’í Faith and developing bonds of friendship. Interesting conversation and a warm cup of tea or coffee are assured!
Devotionals aim to create a new spiritual atmosphere in homes and neighborhoods. Bahá’ís delight in sharing with people of all faiths the joy of praising and remembering God in a spirit of unity and fellowship. Join in an uplifting atmosphere of prayers, sacred readings, poetry, music and conversation.
Study Circles invite people of varied backgrounds to consider teachings from the Bahá’í Writings on the purpose of life, the spiritual nature of reality and the significance of service. Participants seek to put the learning acquired into practice in their individual and collective lives.
Junior Youth
These groups channel the surging energies of junior youth toward a twofold moral purpose: to take charge of their own personal growth and to contribute to the transformation of society.
The young are a treasure, the promise and guarantee of the future. Yet, in order for this promise to be realized, children need to receive spiritual nourishment. In a world where the joy and innocence of childhood can be so easily overwhelmed by the aggressive pursuit of materialistic ends, the moral and spiritual education of children assumes vital importance.
The Bahá’í Learning Center
The Bahá’í Learning Center provides spiritual education for children and youth, and an engaging book study group for adults.

What Bahá’ís Believe
Bahá’ís believe that the purpose of one’s life is to know and to worship God while we strive to carry forward an ever-advancing civilization. We are committed to the belief that mankind is one family and that the earth is our home. We understand that the turbulence of today is part of a momentous and divinely guided process: the dawning of the Day of God promised by all the world’s great religions.